
Alex Hegarty

BSc (Hons) (W.Aust.)


Public Policy, Environment & Climate Change


Diversity and inclusion, Due diligence, Governance & institutions, Policy design, Policy evaluation & reform, Quantitative methods & modelling

Alex is a researcher and analyst with broad skills and in-the-field experience across public policy and integrated environmental management.

With a background in public-sector research, Alex previously worked for both the State Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, which funds environment and climate research.

Alex’s cross-sector experience includes:

  • Community consultation, including using revealed and stated preference techniques to model community preferences.
  • Non-market valuation of environmental resources.
  • Biodiversity and conservation research and analysis.

Alex holds a Bachelor of Science with double major in Marine Science and Natural Resource Management from the University of Western Australia, and Honours in Environmental Management. She is also a member of the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES).

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