
Andrew Campbell

MBA (Deakin), BEng (Hons) (Monash)

Andrew has over 35 years of industry experience in the energy sector. Get in contact with Andrew if you want to talk about the NEM, the Western Australian Wholesale gas market and the East Australia gas market.  

Andrew was involved in the establishment of the Victoria and National electricity markets and the Victorian gas market and has been very active in providing advice and leading assignments in many areas of these markets since they commenced operation. He has also had significant involvement in the Western Australian electricity market, national gas market and a number of electricity markets overseas.

In Australia, clients have included National Electricity Market generator and retail companies, AEMO, AEMC, AER, TNSP’s, industry bodies such as the National Generators Forum and Clean Energy Council, investors, and banks. Andrew has also undertaken many assignments in electricity markets outside of Australia, in areas of reform, education, and market studies. These markets include Ireland, Singapore, Spain, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines.

Andrew’s particular expertise includes:

  • electricity market design, performance and evaluation, including reforms of the developing National Electricity Market, electricity market projections and risk assessment for due diligence purposes (transmission and generation), expert witness roles, implications of policy (such as various models of carbon pricing, renewable energy schemes, transmission access models etc), transmission issues such as access rights, renewable energy market, gas market projections and competition issues, advice on market rules and regulation (such as market price cap and the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader), and power system reliability.
  • gas market design, performance and evaluation, including providing advice on the reform of the Victorian gas market and undertaking market studies of these markets for government and participants.
  • quantitative modelling and analysis, in previous work roles Andrew led the development of many of the analysis and modelling approaches developed. These have included electricity market simulation models, long term least cost planning models, integration of generation and transmission, electricity and gas, and models of gas development in the east coast gas market.
  • investment appraisal and business cases, Andrew provides independent advice to current and new-to-market energy participants, in major refinancing assignments and feasibility studies, as well as for other purposes.
  • transmission issues, Andrew has a significant level of experience in transmission issues from planning work in the SECV, the development of transmission planning in a market environment, quantifying transmission access risk, advice on RIT-T applications, and regulatory studies.

Prior to Marsden Jacob, Andrew spent 14 years with Intelligent Energy Systems (IES), his time there included over 5 years as CEO. Prior to that Andrew worked for the Victorian Power Exchange and the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. Andrew holds a Master of Business Administration from Deakin and a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with Honors from Monash. Andrew has served as a Director on the Marsden Jacob Board since 2019.

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