
Cameron O’Reilly

Associate Director
MMPP (Monash), BEc (Hons) (Syd.), Fulbright Scholarship


Energy & Renewables, Environment & Climate Change, Public Policy


Due diligence, Governance & institutions, Market design, Market performance & evaluation, Non-market valuation, Policy design, Policy evaluation & reform, Strategy design, Strategy performance evaluation & reform

Cameron is an energy and public policy specialist who has held a number of roles in Australian energy markets over the past 15 years. He joined Marsden Jacob in 2021 after holding senior energy policy roles with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE). In 2023, Cameron led the Marsden Jacob team that conducted the Electricity Supply & Reliability Check Up for the NSW Government. The Check Up made 54 recommendations, of which 47 were accepted (in part or full) by the Government.

Get in contact with Cameron if you would like to talk about:

  • the dynamics of competitive retail energy markets
  • design and operation of wholesale energy markets
  • the regulatory framework underpinning Australia’s energy markets, in particular the National Electricity Market (NEM)
  • The NSW electricity system and the state’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap
  • transmission regulation, investment tests and Renewable Energy Zones (REZs)
  • the broader regulation of utilities, including energy, telecommunications and waste.

From 2018-2020, Cameron was a Principal Energy Advisor and Executive Director in the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE), a period that covered the development and release of the NSW Transmission Infrastructure Strategy, the NSW Energy Strategy, and the NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap. 

While at DPIE Cameron was involved in the negotiation of underwriting agreements to bring forward the delivery of priority transmission projects in NSW outlined in the Integrated System Plan (ISP) and represented NSW in the Federal-State Liddell Taskforce, which considered the market impacts of the closure of large generators.

From 2006-2015, Cameron was the Chief Executive of the Energy Retailers Association of Australia (ERAA), the peak industry body for retailers of electricity and gas in Australia’s national energy markets. While at ERAA Cameron was involved in the deregulation of the retail energy markets in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.

In the period between his role at ERAA and joining the NSW Government, Cameron was Chief Executive of a residential aged care industry body, the Aged Care Guild and served as a Non-Executive Director of a government-owned energy retailer and a start-up retailer with a unique pricing model.

In 2008, Cameron was awarded the Fulbright Professional Scholarship in Australia-US Alliance studies for a comparative policy study of the impact of emissions reduction policies on the energy generation sectors of the US and Australia.

Cameron is also a qualified company director and serves on the board of Relationships Australia NSW (RANSW), a large, government-funded, not-for-profit organisation.

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