Rob Nolan

Water, Energy & Renewables, Transport, Public Policy
Regulation, pricing & cost recovery, Investment appraisal & business cases, Policy design, Governance & institutions, Policy evaluation & reform, Strategy design, Due diligence, Strategy performance evaluation & reform
Rob brings 15 years of experience in economic analysis across the water electricity, and gas sectors. Get in contact with Rob if you want to talk about pricing and economic regulation, regulatory framework reviews or policy for these sectors.
Clients work with Rob for his deep understanding of economic and regulatory principles, plus his experience and networks gained from working in economic regulation and policy for both the regulator and regulated businesses.
Examples of his work include:
- Development of price submissions – Rob led South East Water’s 2013 and 2018 price submissions to the Essential Services Commission. South East Water’s 2018 price submission, delivered under the ESC’s PREMO framework, received a fast-tracked draft decision from the Essential Services Commission and given an ‘advanced’ PREMO rating.
- Price submission assurance. Rob has provided assurance to water businesses to ensure their price submissions meet the requirements of the economic regulator. This has recently included quality assurance for Hunter Water’s 2019 price submission, and assurance for South Gippsland Water’s 2020 price submission
- Review of pricing proposals. Rob has assisted economic regulators on a number of pricing decisions, including IPART’s recent pricing decisions for Central Coast Water and Essential Water for trade waste and miscellaneous charges
- Development and review of pricing models and tariff structures. Rob reviewed and developed alternative tariff structure options for South East Water’s 2018 price submission to better align with customer expectations.
- Economic and financial analysis including, cost benefit analysis, financial modelling, regulatory impact assessments and policy advice. This recently included a regulatory assessment of the including a regulatory impact assessment of implementing certain actions under the Murray-Darling Basin Compliance Compact for the Department of Environment, Land and Water and Planning.
Rob joined us from South East Water, where he was most recently Group Manager of Planning and Regulation. Previously Rob was an Assistant Director at the Australian Energy Regulator, and held economic and policy advisor roles at the Victorian Essential Services Commission and the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet. This has included providing strategic economic advice to support the development of key business and pricing strategies, plus significant experience in reviewing price submissions by regulated utilities.